Artificial intelligence: Myths, needs, and opportunities

Nonprofits of all sizes and missions hear many fears and forecasts about artificial intelligence in the news or from board members and staff. Sensational articles about AI pop up every week. It’s no wonder many people at nonprofits feel nervous and unsure about what to even think of all this AI talk.

This course is designed to ensure that, no matter your background or current work focus, you can join and lead conversations about AI in your organization, support the development of equitable policies and practices, and find opportunities to use AI appropriately.

You’ll review core considerations and priorities for evaluating the use of AI in your organization, designing policies for AI that work for all departments, and assessing opportunities for your mission today and in the future.

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Cost per course

Members $125/Non-members $250

Qualifying credits

NTEN professional certificate

Certified Fund Raising Executive

Certified Association Executive

Course overview


Understand standard terms and misconceptions in the current usage of AI.


Prioritize your nonprofit’s needs for developing AI policies.


Identify implications and opportunities related to AI in diverse nonprofit contexts.

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I've heard some nonprofit staff say they're already using AI, and others say they hope to avoid it. What everyone has in common is many questions and uncertainties. This course focuses on understanding what it all means so that we can each design the policies and practices around AI that work best for our missions and communities.

- Instructor Amy Sample Ward

Meet the presenter

Amy Sample Ward

Amy Sample Ward

Pronouns: they/them



Amy is driven by a belief that the nonprofit technology community can be a movement-based force for positive change. Their prior experience in direct service, policy, philanthropy, and capacity-building organizations has fueled Amy's work to create meaningful, inclusive, and compassionate community engagement and educational opportunities for organizations around the world. As the CEO of NTEN, Amy inspires the NTEN team and global partners to believe in community-generated change. Amy believes technology can help nonprofits reach their missions more effectively and equitably, but doing so takes intention and investment in training, access, and collaboration.

Looking for more ways to learn?

Take charge of your professional development with these other learning opportunities.

Nonprofit Tech Readiness

These six-month cohorts give you an opportunity to ramp up your technology leadership and planning skills.Learn about Nonprofit Tech Readiness

Professional certifications

Boost your career by earning a professional certificate that builds your skills and demonstrates your nonprofit tech know-how.Learn about certifications


If finances are tight, apply for a scholarship for an NTEN course or professional certification. Availability limited.Learn about scholarships

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