Professional certificates

Give your career a boost by earning a certificate that builds your skills and demonstrates your nonprofit tech know-how.

NTEN’s respected certificates are the first credentials focused on nonprofit technology management and digital equity.

Our professional certificate program lets you design a personalized learning experience by selecting courses from an expansive range of topics. Each in-depth course balances expert instruction, participant interaction, and active learning exercises over the course of a week.

Whether it’s for the job you have or the job you want, you’ll learn how to advance your organization’s mission through the skillful and equitable use of technology.


Cost of the certificate program

By registering for the certificate program, you'll save 40% compared to registering for courses individually.

$1,000 NTEN members
$2,000 non-members

Become a member and save


Apply for a scholarship for an NTEN professional certificate or course. Availability limited.

Learn about scholarships

Certificate options

We offer two certificates, one focused on building your tech leadership skills, the other on developing your digital equity expertise. You can enroll today and choose the certificate you want right at the start. Or enroll, then take the time you need to figure out which certificate fits your professional development goals.

Nonprofit Technology Professional Certificate

Our longstanding and respected certificate program is the first to offer a credential for nonprofit professionals.

  • 2 IT courses.
  • 2 leadership courses.
  • 2 program courses.
  • 2 communications courses.
  • 5 courses from any category.
  • 1 final assignment.

Digital Equity Professional Certificate

This certificate was designed by digital inclusion experts to help your organization bridge digital divides.

  • 6 digital inclusion courses.
  • 2 leadership courses.
  • 5 courses from any category.
  • 1 final assignment.

Coming soon! AI for Nonprofits Certificate

We're rolling out our latest certificate in August. Get ready by reviewing the Artificial Intelligence Framework for an Equitable World.

Register for the certificate program

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Aaron Tebrinke

Earning a certificate was a profoundly positive experience that has truly changed my professional life, and I would highly recommend it to anyone serious about thriving in the nonprofit sector.

- Aaron Tebrinke

Communications Manager, Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois, and 2018 certificate program graduate

What to expect

To earn a certificate, you need to complete 13 courses and a final assignment.

You get to choose courses relevant to your interests and work. Eight courses must be in specific categories, and five can be in any category you like. You'll start your self-paced final assignment once you’ve completed the other requirements. You have one year to finish your courses to earn your certificate.

We're rolling out on-demand courses starting in August, so you can learn at your own pace.

Courses count toward CFRE and CRE credits.


Schedule a call with Ash Shepherd, our Chief Program Officer, to discuss how a certificate can boost your career.

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P.O. Box 86308
Portland, OR 97286-0308
+1 503-272-8800

© 2024 NTEN