Request for Proposal: Digital Experience Redesign

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Request for Proposal:

Digital Experience Redesign

October 10, 2024

Respond to:

Chris Leo Palermino, Web Marketing Manager

Episcopal Relief & Development


Response deadline:

October 31, 5 p.m. ET

RFP issued by:

Episcopal Relief & Development

815 Second Avenue

New York, NY 10017

+1 (855) 312-4325


The maximum budget for Parts 1 and 2 of the Digital Experience Redesign project is $350,000.


Part 1: Website Redesign of episcopalrelief.org

This website redesign project includes developing new information architecture, a user

experience, design, content strategy, technical strategy, and platform build based on our user

research and strategy developed this last year. Please specify what CMS the build will be on.

WordPress or Drupal are preferred.

Part 2: Donation Platform Selection & Implementation

Creating a modern digital experience is contingent upon our implementing a new

fundraising platform. Our current experience fragments both the user journey and our

databases. We seek assistance identifying a fundraising platform that is appropriate to our

size and needs; setting up the donation experience, and preparing us to manage it in-house


Organization Introduction

For over 80 years, Episcopal Relief & Development has worked with an extensive network of

faith-based and secular partners to advance lasting change in communities affected by

injustice, poverty, disaster, and climate change.

Inspired by our faith and grounded in expertise, we reach over three million people annually,

achieving impact through an approach that is purpose-driven, compassionate, and respectful

of the dignity of all human beings. Through collaboration and shared learning with local faith

leaders and organizations with deep community ties, we strengthen each partner’s capacity

to operate within highly challenging contexts and provide effective responses and care

amidst disaster, crisis, and growing instability.

Project Timeline

RFP posted – October 10, 2024

RFP question submission – October 10-15, 2024

RFP answers shared – October 17, 2024

Proposals due – October 31, 2024

Notification of finalists – November 11, 2024

Finalist interviews – November 12-15, 2024

Agency/agencies notified – November 20, 2024

Project start – December 2024

Launch of the website with donation platform – Spring 2026

Goals and Audiences


Through our research, we defined project goals, tactics, and key audiences for

episcopalrelief.org. Goals and audiences are summarized below. Agencies may request

access to our Strategy Brief for additional information by completing this form.

Project Goals

This project follows a recent brand refresh, development of an organizational 10-year

strategic plan, development of a strategy for our digital experience, and a phase of

stakeholder and audience research. Overall, this project should make episcopalrelief.org

modern, usable, engaging, and easily managed by our team.

Part 1: Website Redesign

Redesigning episcopalrelief.org should:

1. Make donating quick, easy, and frictionless.

2. Improve and streamline content to align with strategic priorities.

3. Improve the findability and discoverability of content.

4. Redesign the site to match the brand refresh.

5. Move to a more sophisticated, self-service, and editor-friendly CMS.

Part 2: Donation Platform

There are 3 ways for an individual donor to give online to Episcopal Relief & Development:

donation pages on our main website built with WooCommerce; custom-built pages for

disaster response on our microsite, support.episcopalrelief.org; and our Gifts for Life

Catalog. Part 2 does not include reimagining, integrating with, or supporting the Catalog.

Goals for Part 2 include:

1. Improve the usability of our donor database through better data lookup functionality,

systems integration, and other user-friendly features and functionality.

2. Make it easy for our team to quickly create new campaign or event-specific pages for

donating in response to disaster relief.

3. User-facing donation forms can be themed to match our brand, are accessible, and easy

for users to complete.

Website Audiences

There are four major direct audiences and three peripheral audiences for this project, whose

needs and preferences should be central to all redesign decisions.

Direct Audiences

1. Relational or identity-based individual donors: those who donate because of

values alignment and/or a personal connection with our organization

2. Situational individual donors: those who donate in response to specific

humanitarian crises or natural disasters

3. Institutional funding partners: private foundations, government agencies, and

more that provide financial support for program implementation

4. Faith leaders and ministry partners: leaders in and beyond The Episcopal Church

Peripheral Audiences

1. Implementing partners: faith-based and secular community organizations, NGOs,

and other entities that collaborate on the ground to implement programs and

deliver services

2. Individuals beyond the faith-based community: those whose values align with ours

but are not part of The Episcopal Church (or other faith group)

3. News and media publishers: both professional journalists and thought leaders

4. Other peers in the global development sector: NGOs, local governments, etc.

Project Scope & Requirements

Below are the expected components of Parts 1 and 2 of this project. We invite agencies to

submit a proposal for either or both project parts. The maximum budget for Parts 1 and 2 is


Part 1 Scope: Website Redesign

We expect the website redesign to include four phases, described below. We suggest

outcomes for each phase but are open to other well-reasoned approaches and activities.

For additional information, agencies may request access to our Features & Functionality

Roadmap by completing this form.

Project Phases

1. User Research: While we have completed some user research, the website strategy

may benefit from additional audience research to fill gaps in our understanding of

direct audiences’ motivations. Activities/deliverables could include: user

interviews, focus groups, surveys, and persona and journey map development.

2. Content Strategy: Development of a content strategy and information architecture

that aligns with the website goals and engages target audiences, refined by user

testing. Activities/deliverables could include: content framework, sitemap,

taxonomy, page definitions or diagrams, and content entry.

3. Visual Design: A modern, responsive, user-friendly design that reflects the brand,

aligns with website goals, and engages target audiences. Activities/deliverables

could include: creative direction, style tiles or design snapshots, wireframes,

and responsive design systems.

4. Web Development: A CMS built to reflect and enable the content strategy,

information architecture, and visual design strategy that allows easy updates and

management by staff. This phase also includes automated content migration and

user testing. Activities/deliverables could include: solution architecture, technical

specifications, front- and backend development, quality assurance testing, launch,

and post-launch support.

We also invite estimates for the following activities:

1. Content creation support

2. Ongoing website maintenance support

3. Staff training in content evaluation, accessibility best practices, SEO best

practices, and/or CMS use

Platform Features & Functionality

1. Templates: Templates that would accommodate our existing content and growth

goals include: homepage, article, bio, campaign, detail, event, list results page,

press release, report, resource, and story.

2. Components: The new site should account for about 40-60 modular components

across templates.

3. Integrations & connections:

a. 2-factor authentication: The new site needs to continue to provide 2-factor

authentication for CMS users.

b. The Episcopal Asset Map needs to be embedded on the new site but does

not need to be redesigned.

c. Donation forms: These can be linked off-site. See Part 2 for donation form


4. Additional offsite links:

a. E-newsletter

b. Social fundraising (Classy) pages

c. Social media accounts

Part 2 Scope: Donation Platform Selection & Setup

For this project, an agency will lead the research and requirements gathering to identify and

implement a new online fundraising platform that could be used for general fundraising,

cause or program-specific fundraising, and disaster relief fundraising.

Project Phases

1. User research: Engage key stakeholders to gather feature and functionality

requirements, such as in-house creation and management of rapid-response

donation forms.

2. Research and evaluation: Identify 3-5 options for our organization and an analysis

of the strengths and drawbacks of each option for our team to consider.

3. Implementation: Create the initial templates and complete integrations with our

systems to allow for a simplified user experience for both donors and staff. Migrate

recurring donor data. Oversee a handoff to our team.

We also invite estimates for the following activities:

• Hosting services

• Post-launch ongoing support

• Additional training on the selected tool

Proposal Requirements

Please include the information below in your proposal. Agencies interested in both project

parts may submit one integrated proposal.

1. Cover page: Proposal for [Part 1, Part 2, or Parts 1 & 2]

2. Project approach: A summary of how you would approach this project to deliver it on

time and on budget. Please describe major project phases, each with a description of

planned activities, outcomes, and duration.

3. Technical approach (Part 1 only): We are open to redesigning our website on

WordPress, Drupal, or another CMS. Please explain which CMS you would use and why it

would be a good fit for our team.

4. Estimated timeline and budget: Major project phases and a breakdown of costs by

phase. As needed, indicate which activities are optional and why.

5. Company and team: Explain the capabilities, experience highlights, and core values of

your company. Include an introduction to each person who would be part of the project

team, including role, subject matter expertise, and relevant experience.

6. Case studies: Include up to 3 case studies of similar projects with purpose, process, and

outcomes for each.

7. References: 3 references, with name, organization, position, year(s) worked together,

and contact information.

Proposal Evaluation Criteria

We will evaluate proposals against the following criteria:

1. Agency Expertise

2. Agency Experience & Makeup

3. Approach & Methodology

4. Creative Strategy & Design Expertise

5. Development Capacity & Expertise

6. Estimated Budget & Timeline

Evaluation Team

Project Sponsor: Gillian McCallion, Vice President, Marketing & Communications

Gillian will oversee major strategic, financial, and cross-organizational communication

needs and decisions.

Project Manager: Chris Leo Palermino, Web Marketing Manager

Chris will oversee the day-to-day operations and decisions that keep the timeline, budget,

and project priorities on track.

Additional Reviewers: Judy Sawler, Director, Direct Marketing; Betsy Deisroth, Vice

President, Advancement

Judy and Betsy will represent the donors’ and organizational fundraising needs.

Submission Instructions

Please email your proposal to: communications@episcopalrelief.org

Subject line: Digital Experience Redesign Proposal [Part 1 / Part 2]: Agency Name

Proposals are due by 5 p.m. ET on October 31, 2024

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