
Guide our planning and decision-making by serving on one of our committees.

Our committees work in various ways to provide feedback, test, evaluate, and make decisions that help NTEN provide the best support, resources, and programs for our community and sector.

To ensure our programs and resources are relevant and benefit the community, we include people in our community in our planning and decision-making through committees.

We value diverse perspectives and abilities on our committees. Committee members are expected to uphold, advocate for, and abide by NTEN’s commitment to equity and liberation. Committees meet virtually, and NTEN makes accommodations for accessibility or other needs. We request a one-year commitment, though members may end their service at any time. Participation on a single committee is limited to three consecutive years so others can share in these leadership roles.

Want to serve?

But not in 2024–2025? Subscribe and be the first to know when we open applications open for 2025–2026 service.


Accessibility Committee

NTEN is committed to ensuring that our programs, events, and resources are as accessible as possible. The Accessibility Committee supports and guides these efforts to extend our commitment to equity, values, and mission. Committee members have professional or lived experiences with a range of disabilities, neurodiversity, and inclusion practices.

Time commitment: Monthly meetings up to one hour each, communication between meetings, and voluntary opportunities for material review and development and sub-committee project work outside meetings.

2024–2025 members

Alyah Thomas
Brenda Okorogba
Brian Cavanaugh
Christina Tazelaar
Danielle Kempe
Dar Veverka

Dave Tinker
John Kenyon
John Harrison
Laura Patch
Matthew Sucre

Myranda Howard
Rachel Kribbs
Richelle Pitella
Sonja Palmer
Stacy Clinton

Community Equity Committee

NTEN is committed to anti-racism and dismantling white supremacy as we build toward liberation. To support a holistic and inclusive approach to equity, it’s essential that our community be directly included in the processes of surfacing, shaping, implementing, and evaluating our work. The Community Equity Committee creates a system of connection and accountability, reviewing NTEN’s equity practices and proposing ways for NTEN to more fully live its values. Committee members are diverse practitioners committed to a world where missions and movements are successful through the strategic and equitable use of technology.

Time commitment: Quarterly meetings for 1–2 hours each, communication between meetings, and minimal material review outside of meetings.

2023–2024 members

Kelenda Allen-James
Rosa Del Angel
Dan Berstein
Ann Blanchard
Zelle Calina
Stacy Clinton
Angela Crist
Briettny Curtner
Danyelle Dosunmu

Rachel Giathi
Suzanne Haggerty
Mari Eva Mendes
Sajit Radhakrishnan Menon
Ja'Rod Morris
Marwa El Morsi
Josh Resnick
Bettina Sferrino
Arpan Somani

Ravileen Staley
Christina Tazelaar
Kimiko Vecchione
Juan Vistro
Meigan Ward
Patrick F. Wee
Zahna Woodson
Rosalind Zavras
Aron Zekarias

Membership Committee

NTEN’s mission and beliefs are at the heart of all we do. We continue to increase the ways we advocate for the community, convene and collaborate with other organizations, and build programs for emerging needs. The Membership Committee provides NTEN with input and guidance about its programs and benefits, advocacy efforts, and opportunities to better meet our mission. Committee members include people with myriad identities, diverse lived experiences, and backgrounds across the fields of social impact and technology.

Time commitment: Quarterly meetings for 1–2 hours each, communication between meetings, and minimal material review outside of meetings.

2023–2024 members

Elisabeth Bradley
Brian Cavanaugh
Nicole Chase
Mike Depew
Heidi Ellis
Suzanne Haggerty
Michele Junker

Rachel Kimber
Galina Kozachenko
Niurka Lluveras-Hernande
Luca Middleton
Adva Priso
Rachel Sams
Palmer Shepherd

Ravileen Staley
Linda Tran
Meigan Ward
Alex Wu
Rosalind Zavras

NTC Host Committee

NTEN's annual Nonprofit Technology Conference is an annual gathering of people who want to make the world a better place through the skillful and equitable use of technology. The NTC is held in a different city each year, and next year, it will take place in Baltimore, Maryland. The NTC Host Committee works closely with staff to help make the conference great through local connections, recommendations, and coordination. 

Time commitment: Between July 2024 and March 2025, there will be monthly meetings for approximately one hour each, some communication between meetings, and occasional opportunities for in-person meetings at the convention center or other venues.

2024–2025 members

Amanda Bache
Danielle Hart
Dar Veverka

Elliot Talbert-Goldstein
Eric Taylor
Patrick McDermott

Rubin Singh
Darryus Johnson
Andrew Coy

NTC Session Advisory Committee

The Session Advisory Committee is a group of experts, practitioners, and champions in nonprofit technology. Committee members provide input as part of our community-centered process to develop the Nonprofit Technology Conference’s high-quality educational agenda. The committee creates a list of suggested topics, reviews sessions submitted within a self-selected content area, and provides feedback on the final agenda. There are no qualifications for serving on this committee — you can serve even if you’ve never attended NTC.

Time commitment: From July–January, three one-hour meetings, some communication between meetings, and material review outside of meetings. Mid-October to mid-November is usually a time-sensitive period for committee members to provide input within a particular area of expertise.

2024–2025 members

Angela Crist
Matthew L Sucre
Alyssa Ackerman
Audra Hurd
Dani Faulkner
Kelenda Allen-James
Jason Weaver
Allison Stephens
Patty Breech
Larry Reed

Mari Eva L. Mendes
Julia King
Karen Bray-Pollak
Chrystal Koech
Jason Samuels
Amy Frame
Ann Blanchard
Meseret Haileyesus
Mica Knox
Amanda Bache
Cindy Leonard

Tiffany Nyklikcova
Aine Creedon
Hillary Esquina
Amber Ewert Snyder
Usha Ramamurthy
Beth Kanter
Kate Meyers Emery
Mark Pennypacker
Malini Lakhani

Pizzigati Prize Committee

NTEN is proud to steward the Antonio Pizzigati Prize for Software in the Public Interest to celebrate open source software developers in honor of the late Antonio “Tony” Pizzigati, an MIT-trained open source activist. The committee supports the grant process, including aligning on criteria, promoting the application opportunity, and selecting prize recipients. The committee includes veteran activists in the public interest computing community, but members do not need to have software development experience.

Time commitment: Approximately six meetings between September and April, up to one hour each, some communication between meetings, and other actions when appropriate, like circulating the call for applications and reviewing applications.

2024-2025 members

Elisabeth Bradley
Danyelle Dosunmu
Dani Faulkner
Nathan Gasser

Salim Lakhani
Tiffany Nyklickova
Leena Patidar
Brian Rodriguez

Catherine Smith
Arpan Somani
Elliot Talbert-Goldstein
Ben Wen

Technology Committee

Many of NTEN’s programs, resources, and community experiences are facilitated through technology. We’re constantly working to improve systems and migrate to new ones when appropriate. It’s critical to the success of our mission that community members be part of how we plan and implement technology. The Technology Committee is focused on the testing, processes, decision-making, and user experience of the NTEN website, tools, and tech systems that impact our community. People of all technical experience levels are encouraged to apply, as well as those with lived experience with disabilities or neurodiversity that may impact how web and digital systems are used.

Time commitment: Quarterly meetings for 1–2 hours each, some communication, periodic testing, or reviewing staged prototypes between meetings.

2023–2024 members

Amanda Bache
Cristina Bahm
Karen Bray-Pollak
Briettny Curtner
Jenn Downs
Rachele Hales
Nathan Henry

Lawan Idriss
Chrystal Koech
Galina Kozachenko
Niurka Lluveras-Hernande
Patrick McDermott
Lurleen McNair
Sajit Radhakrishnan Menon

Ja'Rod Morris
Linda Tran
Natalie Veal
Jason Weaver
Alex Wu

Apply for a committee

Committee applications for 2024–2025 have closed. If you want us to notify you when applications open for 2025–2026, please complete the form below.

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P.O. Box 86308
Portland, OR 97286-0308
+1 503-272-8800

© 2025 NTEN