Partner with NTEN

Foundations, corporations, tech providers, and others can partner with us to enable the nonprofit sector to excel.

Let’s build transformative power together

As our world becomes more digital, we all rely on technology for our programs, services, communications, and operations. NTEN’s work to create a world where all missions and movements are successful through the skillful and equitable use of technology is more important than ever. Partner with NTEN, and we will change the way people put technology to work for social change.

NTEN’s vibrant, inclusive community includes more than 70,000 people working on a variety of missions and movements across the United States, Canada, and beyond. By partnering with NTEN, you’ll ensure this community has access to the skills and knowledge they need to carry out their world-changing work — and our community can include your customers or grantees as well.

NTEN is the only organization providing professional development, certificates, and industry-leading events that are platform agnostic. Your partnership directly supports a variety of NTEN’s work, which includes:

  • Leadership development: Our professional certificates position people to successfully take on new projects, titles, and jobs with expansive knowledge about technology management and digital equity.
  • Collaborative learning: Our cohorts combine training, peer feedback, and expert guidance so participants can advance a technology project today and have a supportive network in the future.
  • Assessments and coaching: Our programs allow organizations to leverage our decades of data and experience to increase their technology leadership and strategically prioritize investments for the biggest impact.

Work with NTEN for bigger impact

We offer many one-time and year-round opportunities to fit your budget and goals. We welcome a number of partnership models — including grants, sponsorships, and fee-for-service — that support us in delivering programs or that you can brand and promote within your own suite of offerings.

Ready to talk?

We’re glad you’re interested in partnering with NTEN! Email us to start the conversation with CEO Amy Sample Ward and Senior Development Manager Eileigh Doineau.

Price varies, with benefits starting at $1,500 per year

Partner on NTEN’s vision and mission all year long. It's the perfect way to demonstrate your shared commitment to our values of integrity and compassion, excellence and savvy, community and humanity, and equity and liberation.

Benefits include: These benefits are provided to those who give $1,500 minimum per year. Additional benefits may be available in recognition of larger amounts.
Starts at $2,500 per year

NTEN members are dedicated to putting technology to work for social change. By supporting our pay-what-you-can membership option, you’ll help make membership more accessible to people just starting in their career or working in grassroots movements who may have less financial flexibility.

Benefits include:
  • Logo at the bottom of membership emails.
  • Logo on the membership web page.
  • Option to provide membership to your customers, grantees, or others in your community.
Pricing options:
  • $2,500 supports 30 new members. Or, provide membership to even more people by giving a higher amount.

Tech clubs are volunteer-organized local groups across the U.S. and beyond that host events centered on the nonprofit technology needs, experiences, and priorities in their area. Tech club events are free, accessible places to learn and network with others interested in putting technology to work for social change. Your support ensures volunteer organizers have financial support for everything it takes to run their events, such as food, drinks, sign language, and security.

Benefits include:
  • Logo on the tech clubs site.
  • Logo on tech club event announcements.
Pricing options:
  • $3,000: Support one tech club for one year. You can choose the location. Or, support multiple tech clubs by giving a higher amount.
  • $25,000: Exclusive opportunity to support all tech clubs for one year.
    $15,000 per workbook

    NTEN’s workbooks are incredibly popular publications that are downloaded throughout the year. Partner on a workbook to give people access to even more planning and decision-making resources that will help them be successful.

    Benefits include:
    • Logo in the workbook-related promotions.
    • Logo and a description about your company in the workbook.
    • Opportunity to collaborate on topic and content.
    • Workbook shared with participants in NTEN courses or other events.
    $5,000 or $15,000 per report

    NTEN’s reports are highly-regarded publications about trends, concerns, and general practices around many aspects of technology for missions and movements. Partner on a planned or timely report to help expand the data available on technology for social change.

    Benefits include:
    • Logo in the report-related promotions.
    • Logo and a description about your company in the report.
    • Opportunity to collaborate on topic and methodology.
    • Report shared with participants in NTEN courses and events.
    Pricing options:
    • $5,000: Partner on analysis of an existing data set and publish insights.
    • $15,000: Partner on original research, including a sector-wide survey, and publish results.
    Price varies

    The Digital Inclusion Fellowship provides nonprofit professionals with the knowledge and training they need to bring digital equity to their communities. Partner with NTEN on the fellowship and you'll advance digital literacy inclusion and champion these remarkable digital equity leaders. Partner with NTEN to bring the fellowship to your city or locations you choose across the U.S. and Canada. Or support the resources, content, and events that power the fellowship.

    Benefits: Benefits vary depending on the level of partnership you choose, and may include:
    • Logo on the Digital Inclusion Fellowship page on the website.
    • Name recognition in the publication showcasing the fellows’ community impact .
    • Name recognition in media outreach and other program materials.
    • Recognition at the Nonprofit Technology Conference.
    Pricing options: Fellowship partnership can be customized based on your goals, interest area, or location. Price varies based on whether you want to support fellows or events, how many fellowships you want to support, and other customizations.
    • $400,000: Support 20 fellows nationally who will train 5,000–15,000 people in their communities with up to 30,000 hours of instruction.
    • $60,000: Support three fellows in one city who will train 1,500–3,000 people in their communities with up to 6,000 hours of instruction.
    • $20,000: Support one fellow who will train 300–1,000 people in their community with up to 2,000 hours of instruction.
    When you support fellows, you can specify the cohort location and will have opportunities to collaborate with the fellows and access programs outcomes data. When you support a summit, that may be a standalone event or part of a relevant conference, and you can provide input on program content and participate.

    You can also expand your partnership with a white paper, courses, or newsletter advertising in combination with any of the options above.
    Price varies

    Nonprofit Tech Readiness gives participants an opportunity to implement technology solutions that bring about meaningful change at their organizations and in their communities. Since 2010, over 800 participants have emerged from these cohorts with incredible stories of impact. Support one or more of these cohorts to strengthen nonprofit technology capacity and support these dedicated professionals.

    Benefits include:
    • Logo in cohort presentation slides.
    • Logo on the Nonprofit Tech Readiness page on the website.
    • Visibility in the learning management system.
    • Cobranding on workshops.
    • Co-facilitation of select cohort sessions.
    Pricing options: Cohort partnership can be customized based on your goals, interest area, or location. Price varies based on how many cohorts you want to support, participant completion awards you may want to offer, and more.
    Starts at $1,000

    Demonstrate your commitment to helping people take charge of their professional development by supporting courses or professional certificates scholarships throughout the year.

    Benefits include:
    • Logo on website and scholarship-related promotions and communications.
    • Opportunity to give away or promote scholarship availability to your customers or grantees, or have NTEN promote generally.
    $5,000–$10,000 per custom instance

    Tech Accelerate is a free, online, comprehensive tool for assessing technology practices and policies. Assessment results and benchmarking are powered by NTEN’s decade of existing research. As a partner, you'll receive an admin dashboard that you can leverage for better insights and strategic decisions about your customers or grantees.

    Benefits include:
    • Dashboard tools for monitoring and evaluating the Tech Accelerate data of your customers or grantees in aggregate and comparing it to benchmarks in the public data set.
    • Information you can use to invite your customers or grantees to participate in Tech Accelerate.
    • Content and opt-ins that create a smooth user experience for your Tech Accelerate participants.
    • Opportunities to connect individual assessments to your available grantmaking or training support.
    Starts at $5,000

    The Pizzigati Prize celebrates software developers who create open source apps and tools that nonprofit and advocacy groups can put to good use. It honors the brief life of Tony Pizzigati, an advocate of open source computing. With your partnership, we can celebrate even more software developers who create open source technology.

    Benefits include:
    • Name recognition on the Pizzigati Prize page on the website.
    • Name recognition in publicity about the prize recipients.
    Pricing options:
    • $5,000: Provide a $5,000 cash grant to one recipient.
    • $10,000: Provide a $10,000 cash grant to one recipient.
    • $20,000: Provide a $20,000 cash grant to one recipient, or a mix of cash grants to multiple recipients.
    Price varies

    People in our community come from many backgrounds and have a variety of lived experiences. You can give funds to NTEN that we’ll manage and distribute to our program participants to support their successful participation in our programs. This might include covering additional expenses people need to pursue professional development opportunities, incentives for people to complete Tech Accelerate assessments to grow the public dataset, or other capacity-building ideas aligned with your goals. Benefits will vary.
    nten logo
    P.O. Box 86308
    Portland, OR 97286-0308
    +1 503-272-8800

    © 2025 NTEN