2018 State of Nonprofit Cybersecurity Report

Nov 28, 2018
Cloud • Governance • Infrastructure • Security

As nonprofit professionals, we hear about cyberattacks and understand the importance of protecting our organizations and our clients. But what are we doing to prepare, and what is stopping us from a higher level of protection?

Report front cover: NTEN State of Nonprofit Cybersecurity

We wanted to find out, so together with Microsoft, we polled more than 250 community members about their cybersecurity practices. The result is the State of Nonprofit Cybersecurity report.

In this inaugural report, we examine the steps nonprofits are taking to develop secure practices around technology use in their nonprofits, and identify some areas where the sector can improve. But it isn't just academic! We wanted to give you insights that you and your organization's leadership can immediately use to better secure your systems and protect your data.

Some of the points covered are:

  • the policies and procedures your nonprofit has for who and how people can access your systems,
  • to what extent nonprofits are using technology to protect their systems,
  • what kind of training is offered to nonprofit staff, and
  • how nonprofit operations contribute to cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

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