2019 State of Nonprofit Professional Development

Mar 7, 2019
NTEN News • Professional Development

As organizations that provide professional development and support for career growth in a number of ways, both NTEN and Cornerstone were interested in better understanding what trends, challenges, and successes may exist in the nonprofit sector with regard to both the cultural practices around professional development and the specific structure and financial support for it in organizations of all different sizes and types.

This is the first time we’ve surveyed the community on this topic, and the results include some surprises and confirm our experience. We were disappointed to see the number of folks who don’t have equal access to training opportunities and funds but heartened to hear that even if professional development isn’t a formal part of staff evaluations, now the practice is desired and seen as valuable.

Nonprofit professionals want to learn and grow in their jobs and careers. We hope that this report supports organizations making adjustments and improvements to the way professional development is encouraged and supported for all staff.

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