2024 Donor Management Systems Survey

One of the most common inquiries we receive at NTEN goes something like this: “I work at a nonprofit, and I think we need a new database, but when I looked online, there were just too many to choose from. Can you tell me which one you recommend?”

NTEN does not recommend individual technology products, but it would also be impossible for us to make a recommendation without knowing so many of the factors that are critical for influencing that choice, including staff and constituent needs, existing systems and integrations, program and engagement models, and much more. Instead, we want to support equitable and strategic technology decisions, whether for a Donor Management System or anything else. This is why we are happy to partner on the 2024 DMS Use and Satisfaction Report and help distribute the findings and insights to the sector.

This report surveys 379 nonprofits and details the broad patterns that emerge in their use and satisfaction of donor management systems. We thank our partners Karen Graham Consulting and Lehman Associates for their great work in developing this resource with us.

To view the report, please submit this form below.

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