Sponsor the NTC

The Nonprofit Technology Conference is simply your best opportunity to connect with technology decision-makers and thought leaders from around the nonprofit sector.

Welcome to NTEN, the leading community of people who are putting technology to work for social change and the proud host of the Nonprofit Technology Conference. Our community is constantly exploring new technology and how to use it strategically, effectively, and equitably. By sponsoring the NTC, you’ll demonstrate your commitment to our community and alignment with our values. Plus, we’re a lot more fun than any other event!

Join the community in Baltimore, Maryland, April 16–18, 2025.

The NTC attracts thousands of participants from across the country and worldwide, representing nonprofits of all sizes and missions. But NTEN is much more than a conference. For year-round opportunities, partner with us on content, professional development, and more.

25NTC Sponsorship opportunities will be available in late September.

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Meet the NTC attendees

Interested in knowing more about who attends the NTC? These demographics about our audience don’t tell the whole story, but they’ll give you a snapshot of who you might meet. 

NTC attendees by organization budget

Stacked bar chart of NTC participants by organization budget. 15% had a budget less than $500,000, 23% ave budgets $500,000 and $2million, 27% budgets between $2 million, 13% between $5 million and $10 million and 21% had budgets greater than $10 million

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NTC attendees by organization size

Stacked bar chart of NTC participants by organization size. 14% had one to ten employees, 50% had between 11 and 50 employees, 16% between 51 and 100 employees, 14% had between 101 and 500 employee and 6% had more than 500 employees.

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NTC attendees by job type

Stacked bar chart of NTC participants by organization type. 34% work in marketing and communications, 22% in IT and technology, 19% in fundraising and development, 13% in program and direct services, 6% were executive directors or CEOs and 5% work in finance and administration.

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NTC attendees by organization type

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NTC attendees by region in the U.S.

Map of the United States showing NTC Attendees by Region. 37% are from the Atlantic Region, 23% are from the Pacific Region, 15% are from the South, 11% from the Midwest, 7% from New England and 4% from the Mountain Region.

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NTC attendees by country

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