Code of conduct

In accordance with our commitment to equity and liberation, NTEN is dedicated to providing a safe and welcoming experience for everyone. We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment in any form.

This code of conduct applies to all NTEN spaces, including, but not limited to, NTEN’s online community platform, online and in-person trainings, social media, Nonprofit Technology Conference, and tech clubs. Anyone who violates this code of conduct may be sanctioned or expelled from these spaces at the discretion of NTEN.

Some NTEN spaces may have additional rules in place, which will be made clearly available to participants. Participants are responsible for knowing and abiding by these rules.

Inappropriate behavior includes, but is not limited to:

  • Discriminatory actions or offensive comments related to race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, and other aspects of identity.
  • Unwelcome comments regarding a person’s lifestyle choices and practices, including those related to food, health, parenting, drugs, and employment.
  • Deliberate misgendering or use of "dead" or rejected names.
  • Gratuitous or off-topic sexual images or behavior in spaces where they’re not appropriate.
  • Physical contact without consent or after a request to stop.
  • Threats of violence.
  • Incitement of violence towards any individual, including encouraging a person to commit suicide or to engage in self-harm.
  • Deliberate intimidation.
  • Stalking or following.
  • Harassing photography or recording, including logging online activity for harassment purposes.
  • Sustained disruption of discussion.
  • Unwelcome sexual attention.
  • Patterns of inappropriate social contact, such as requesting or assuming inappropriate levels of intimacy with others.
  • Continued one-on-one communication after requests to cease.
  • Deliberate “outing” of any aspect of a person’s identity without their consent, except as necessary to protect vulnerable people from intentional abuse.
  • Publication of non-harassing private communication.
  • Repeated communication without a response.
  • Deliberate misuse of shared contact information for purposes other than what the intent was.
  • Continued and repeated requests for sharing contact information after initial denial.


If you experience harassment or discrimination in an NTEN space, notice that someone else is experiencing harassment or discrimination, or have any other concerns, please report it by emailing NTEN or, if on-site, by contacting an NTEN staff member.


Participants asked to stop any inappropriate behavior are expected to comply immediately.

If a participant engages in inappropriate behavior, NTEN may take any action they deem appropriate, including warnings or expulsion from all NTEN spaces with no refund.

Revised: May 18, 2022

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P.O. Box 86308
Portland, OR 97286-0308
+1 503-272-8800

© 2025 NTEN