Interview with Jeremy Garcia, NTEN’s Community Coordinator

NTEN Community Coordinator Jeremy Garcia.
Oct 24, 2018
2 minute read
Community Management • NTEN News • Professional Development
Last week, we welcomed Jeremy Garcia to the team at NTEN in the role of Community Coordinator. Jeremy loves to work in community-based organizations and has experience in nonprofit client services, outreach, and communications and marketing. He will be guiding participants in NTEN's education programs, including the Nonprofit Technology Professional Certificate, and supporting other NTEN community programs.

1. What are you most excited about as you join NTEN?

I’m stoked to be part of an organization helping nonprofits make better use of technology so they can do great work out in the world. Aside from the warm and fuzzies, I’m looking forward to all the good eats Downtown Portland has to offer!

2. Tell me about a time you reached out to someone who was lagging behind, and how their reengagement changed their outcomes.

When I was working as a case manager doing social work, I supported veterans experiencing homelessness. Countless vets overcame severe barriers to get off the streets and back into housing. I would say it wasn’t so much about me reaching out, but more about being there as a support system. It was always great to see the outcome, people having a new level of autonomy and their own space to thrive.

3. Who is one of your heroes, and why?

Easy, my family! My parents, aunts, uncles in the U.S. are all immigrants. Their stories of struggle and perseverance to find success in a foreign country is a constant motivating factor in my life.

4. If you were an NTEN course, what would you be?

Engaging Your Community! I’m a big people person and enjoy learning about methods to further collaboration and civic participation.

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